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Street tree canopy: Delaware Street

Interim-Tree Walk entry.

Buckeyes Horsechestnuts adorn the block of Delaware adjacent to the Ohlone Greenway, and as far as my eye could see.


Karen said…
Sometimes these avenues of uniform plantings are nice, but if they are all planted at the same time and are the same variety, what happens when they succumb to a disease or pest or just come to the end of their lifespan all together? Hodgepodge street tree plantings look kind of silly, though. What is your take?
Georgia said…
I think there is an in-between position.

Blocks could be planted with alternating species (called for in the 1982/1983 Palo Alto Street Tree Management Plan) or a block could have a mix of species.

In the afore-mentioned plan, for example, a block with overhead wires on one side is planted with two different species; a short species on the side with wires, taller species on the other side. On a block species can be chosen to complement each other in terms of height, shape, type of flowers, fall color, etc.

Given the lessons of the elm and Dutch elm disease and more recent examples (Asian long-horned beetle, emerald ash borer), it is unclear why we insist on planting extensive monocultures in our streets.