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Signs of the season...Mayors, measures, districts

About two weeks ago, we began receiving election literature--in the mailbox, stuffed under the door, attached to the door. There was even a home visit by volunteers. Inspired by the deluge of election literature, I began to look around for signs, literally, that other people were participating in political life. The photographs were taken along Stuart between California and Adeline and within an area bounded by Shattuck, College, Dwight, and Ashby. Mayors Measures Districts


Anonymous said…
Quite a variety in one specific area! I guess the multiple Measure A signs are there so others can take them -- haven't seen stacks like that anywhere.

Hope this comment sticks -- I commented on your last post yesterday, but it doesn't seem to have made it through.
Anonymous said…
Hello Jen,
I have been experiencing technical difficulties with my Blogger account. I think all is better now.

Thanks for the comments. Within the last week I have noticed measure J signs and a Judgeship sign (to be posted soon).