Struck by the devastating cholera outbreak in Harare, Zimbabwe, and the relationship between the disease and a lack of several services - water, sewage, and trash - I compiled a list of books on the topic of municipal services. Other prompts for this post include a recent sewage spill into a Berkeley tree well and a glowing review of Rose George's book about human waste, "The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters."
- Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash - Elizabeth Royte
- The Sanitary City: Urban Infrastructure in America from Colonial Times to the Present - Martin Melosi
- Bay Cities and Water Politics - Sarah S. Elkind
- Creation of Quabbin Reservoir: Death of the Swift River Valley - J. R. Greene
- The Battle over Hetch Hetchy: America's Most Controversial Dam and the Birth of Modern Environmentalism - Robert W. Righter
- Liquid Assets: A History of New York City's Water System - Diane Galusha
- Large Parks - James Corner, Julia Czerniak, and George Hargreaves
- Inside City Parks - Peter Harnik
- The Excellent City Park System : What Makes It Great and How to Get There - Peter Harnik
- City Trees: A Historical Geography from the Renaissance through the Nineteenth Century - Henry W. Lawrence
- Great Streets - Allan B. Jacobs
- Robert Moses and the Modern City : The Transformation of New York - Hilary Ballon and Kenneth T. Jackson, editors
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