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Etceteras: Ideas not blogged in 2008

Here are some noteworthy people and places we meant to blog about in 2008.

A penthouse apartment with two—TWO—levels of garden in New York Magazine

Clearing the air: China's environmental challenge at Asia Society [video]

BUGTO: biodiversity urban gardens Toronto

South Bronx green roof at I (heart) Public Space

In Italy, a redesign of nature to clean it in the New York Times

The platform of the Garden Party by Ketzel Levine of NPR Talking Plants [follow Ketzel at Ketzel Uprooted]

Science Debate 2008

Utah officials: Keeping rainwater is illegal posted at Treehugger

Food Mapping

Google Maps learns to walk with directions on foot posted at carfree chicago

Bookcases in parks a New York Times story originally read at gardenhistorygirl


Anonymous said…
Would love to see you post stuff on these when you have time! My list is long too, but not nearly so organized as yours. Where does the time go?!