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Festival of the Trees 33 - Call for Submissions

The February Festival of the Trees (AKA the "monthly carnival for all things arboreal") will be hosted here at local ecologist. Please send your submissions for Festival 33 to info (at) localecology (dot) org, or use the online submission form. The submission deadline is February 27, 2009. Thank you in advance for your participation. Also, see the sidebar for more details. Festival 32 is live at Ash's blog, treeblog - the blog about trees.


Anonymous said…
OK, I'm going to have to get on this one. Love all those lonely oaks over at Festival 32. I have a photo of one too but it's only on film. Hm. Maybe I'll submit my witch hazel, it's looking pretty spiffy all tricked out in its orange ruffles at the moment, and I am enjoying it daily as a result.