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Hail to Berkeley

At approximately 10:05 a.m. PST there was hail in Berkeley:


Anonymous said…
That is just totally wacky! I don't think I've ever seen hail that size, even here where it's more common. What a weird winter the W. Coast seems to be having... Love those glossy green leaves, is that fatsia or ??
Anonymous said…
The large-leaved plant came with the yard. I'm not familiar with fatsia but some interesting information here - The plant reminds of a much smaller version of Gunnera manicata -
Anonymous said…
You're totally right, it's not fatsia - I was thinking of fatshedera, but it's not that either. Does it look like the plant I saw in the SF Mission High gardens? Someone said it's agapanthus but that doesn't seem right. Hm. I'm going to keep looking!
Anonymous said…
Yes, it looks more like the plant at the SF Mission High Garden.
Anonymous said…
The hail pictures are very pretty. I like the front step w/ plants and hail pic, as well as the fallen leaves, pink flowers and hail pic.