Update, Sept. 10, 2009:
A few days after posting the original entry, I saw a see of blue where the old GCEL greenhouses used to be. New GCEL greenhouses have been installed and I think the greenhouse "windows" are plexi-glass. Cannot wait to see what's planted.
You might be asking, what is a Grow, Cook, Eat, Learn (GCEL) greenhouse? Well, Grow, Cook, Eat, Learn is a "self-contained sustainable food system and urban agricultural working laboratory" and elementary-school food education project sponsored by the NYU Graduate Program in Food Studies and the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. The project received seed funding from a NYU Sustainability Fund Grant for the year 2007-2008.
A GCEL greenhouse is a wooden cold frame box. Nine boxes were located in a grassy area of Washington Square Village. On a recent trip to the Union Square Greenmarket, I walked by the site and noticed that only one of the nine greenhouses remain. The tattered and faded project signs still hang on the fence and one of the glass panels in the remaining greenhouse is broken.
What happened to the others (exposed areas of soil)? Why was one left? Will new gardens be installed?
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