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Belated Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

Last week, I photographed the Kwanzan cherries and tulips in the Coles Sports Center, installed by the NYU Garden Shop, but missed the deadline for April's GBBD. Better late than never.


Julie said…
oh my! This is spectacular, G. Tulips are generally feeble or not at all in our neck of the woods. These tulips are bright as jelly beans.
Georgia said…
If you can imagine, the tulips are more spectacular in situ.
Karen said…
Wowza! You might be late, but I was never! Maybe I will still do it... here over a week later... or not. Cheery cherries and towering tulips, it's hard to beat this time of year!
Georgia said…
Love your description, Karen: "Cheery cherries and towering tulips"!