David Fletcher, principal at Fletcher Studio, teamed up with Daniel Phillips and Kim Karlsrud of Common Studio to design a "seedbomb dispensary" for L.A. River re-vegetation. The dispensary or Greenaid was designed as an exhibition piece. We first read about Greenaid on the L.A. at Home website.
Each dispensary is stocked with three seed recipes. The Coast Live Oak recipe is a mix of Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak), Juglans californica (California walnut), Muhlenbergia rigens (deer grass), and Salvia spathacea (hummingbird sage) seeds while the Cottonwood recipe is composed of Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood), Salix exegua (narrowleaf willow), Carex praegracilis (clustered field sedge), and Juncus patens (spreading rush) seeds. The third recipe - Sycamore - contains seeds of Platanus racemosa (California sycamore), Fraxinus velutina (velvet ash), Juncus torreyi (Torrey's rush), and Agrostis exerata (spike bentgrass).
Imagine seed mixes for your local ecology! You can make your own seedbomb with clay, compost, and seeds "in the ratio of 5:1:1 with water to bind" according to the instructions at Guerrilla Gardeners. Or you can contact Common Studio and Daniel and Kim "will develop a seed mix as well as a strategic neighborhood intervention plan in response to the unique ecologies of your area." What seeds would your seedbombs contain?
this way.
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