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Dominique Browning's new garden book recommendations

Readers of House & Garden will recognize Dominique Browning as the editor-in-chief of the now defunct magazine.  Browning has authored six books including her newest, titled Slow Love. I miss House & Garden and Browning's editorials but a local bookseller, McNally Jackson, is providing some Browning love.  The bookshop has created a display of seven garden books recommended by the author:
  1. Gardening for a Lifetime
  2. Garden Guide New York City
  3. Edible Estates 
  4. Talking Dirt
  5. vegetables, herbs & fruit
  6. The Seasons of Henry's Farm
  7. The Locavore's Handbook.
Here is our list of new garden/food books:
  • The Green Roof Manual: A Professional Guide to Design, Installation, and Maintenance (Edmund C. Snodgrass and Linda McIntyre)
  • Grocery Gardening: Planting, Preparing and Preserving Fresh Food (Jean Ann Van Krevelen)
  • In the Kitchen with A Good Appetite: 150 Recipes and Stories About the Food You Love (Melissa Clark)
  • Kitchen Literacy: How We Lost Knowledge of Where Food Comes from and Why We Need to Get It Back (Ann Vileisis)
  • Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer (Novella Carpenter)
  • Above the Pavement—the Farm! Architecture & Agriculture at PF1 (Amale Andraos and Dan Wood)
  • update, September 21, 2010: Today we learned about a forthcoming book, Asphalt to Ecosystems: Design Ideas for Schoolyard Transformation, by Sharon Gamson Danks, an environmental planner and founding partner of Bay Tree Design, Inc. in Berkeley, California.  In Asphalt to Ecosystems, Dank "showcase[s] some of the world's most innovative green schoolyards" including edible gardens.  
Don't forget to check out our Printed Leaf Bookshop via Amazon.
