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Where in NYC? (Subway Series, No. 5)

Many visitors to the city alight at this station to see the animals pictured in the friezes below. Let us know the line and station name.

More subwayana (thank you Bonnie Hull) at
Where in NYC? (Subway Series, No. 4)
Where in NYC? (Subway Series, No. 3)
Where in NYC? (Subway Series, No. 2)
Where in NYC? (Subway Series, No. 1)

Update, 9/6/2011: The dinosaurs in bronze relief pictured above are located at the American Museum of Natural History 81st Street station on the C line.  The reliefs and other works in mosaic, glass tile, ceramic tile, and granite named For Want of a Nail were created in 2000 by the collaborative team of MTA Arts for Transit and the Museum.

Stay tuned for Series No. 6.
