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Seasonal Nature Experiences: Three for Summer

We have planned a hike and berry picking trip to Long Island!  Berry picking is one of many seasonal activities that highlight the presence of nature in our cities and urbanized communities.  Here is our short list for summer.

Berry picking

The Mommy Poppins blog has an extensive guide to pick your own fruit and vegetable places in the tri-state area.  A wonderful book about berries and family is Blueberies for Sal, by Robert McCloskey.


You need a license to fish in the NY State.  The lakes in Prospect Park have the "largest concentration of largemouth bass" in NY State.  We have enjoyed the catch and release fishing for children at Hudson River Park operated by Big City Fishing.

Insect watching

If you missed the cicadas this year, you will have to wait another 13 or 17 years to see them again, depending on the brood.  But, you can watch fireflies after sunset.  A neighbor told us he has seen fireflies in a local greenspace.  Learn about fireflies, a type of beetle, here.  If you are looking for a children's book, we recommend Beetle Bop, by Denise Fleming.

What's on your list?
