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Tree guides to five Manhattan playgrounds

Image: London planetrees tower over the jungle gym at the Playground of the Americas

My most recent collaboration with ioby was the successful fundraising campaign for a mobile map of the trees and other wild things in Washington Square Park also known as Washington Square Park Ecology.  A couple of years ago, I was invited by the organization to write a local ecology series for the organization's blog. We decided on tree guides to five playgrounds in downtown Manhattan. 

Naturally, a guide for Washington Square Park was the first installment! Learn about the Trees in Tot Playground in Washington Square Park.  The remaining four guides are the Trees of the Playground of the Americas, the Trees of Minetta Playground, the Trees of the Playground at Pier 25, and the Trees of Evelyn’s Playground in Union Square Park.

Do you have a favorite treed playground? Let us know in the comments.

This post has been edited. It was originally published on June 25, 2012.


Anonymous said…
I just read the blog entry on the survivor tree in OKC...fascinating...
local ecologist said…
Survivor tree stories are engaging. Thank you for commenting.