There were 32 entries to the Name the Washington Square Park Ecology Map Contest.
Before announcing the winning name, a thank you to our judges - Casey Brown, Jennifer Casriel, Katherine Keltner, and Cathryn Swan - for considering the names, and to the creative individuals who submitted entries to the contest.
The grand prize for the winning name is a copy each of Field Guide to the Street Trees of New York City by Leslie Day and New York City Trees by Edward Sibley Bernard. The books were provided courtesy of The John Hopkins University Press and Columbia University Press, respectively.
On to the winning name!
WSP Eco Map. Makes sense, right?! The name is short but it conveys what the map is about. Congratulations to Lorna of Seattle!
The complete name of the map is WSP Eco Map: The Wild Things of Washington Square Park in your Pocket (or your desktop). "Park in Your Pocket" was submitted by Duncan Brine. The contest was not conceived with a runner-up prize but wanting to acknowledge the use of his entry, Duncan was offered a choice of either book. He chose New York City Trees.
The map will be launched in 2015. For details, watch this space or
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