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Tree Walks

Tying a ribbon to a tree is part of Tibetan and Scottish wish making traditions.

I'm going to admit something: I drafted this post in September 2010! Why has it taken nine years to hit the publish button? I wrote it during a time when I finalizing a big writing project so it likely slipped my mind. Since then, it's just hung around in the draft section of my blog. I went through that section this past weekend because I wanted to come back to a post about bird-friendly trees in my local park. I found the bird tree post but also scrolled down the draft section. I deleted drafts I that were early versions of an already published post and drafts that were dead ends. I was happy to see this list of tree walk posts I had written up until that point. I published the first Tree Walk Wednesday post on September 5, 2007. That post was about a walnut tree on my block in Berkeley, CA. I renamed the series Tree Walk in 2008.

I was inspired by Jane Kirkland's Take a Tree Walk guide for children and Spacing's Tree Tuesday series. But, my Tree Walk series was also a natural outgrowth of my interest in trees. I've always been passionate about trees. Growing up I climbed them and ate their fruits. As a young adult, I planted them alongside folks greening their blocks and neighborhood. I managed a street tree planting program in a New England city. I've written about California urban forestry policy. Right now, I'm advocating for mature trees in my favorite park.

I've edited the original 2010 post. The "Tree Walk Wednesday" posts are listed below.

Tree Walk Wednesday
Tree Walk Wednesday: Not making shade
Tree Walk Wednesday: 2200 Block of Ward Street
Tree Walk Wednesday: Accoutrements of a new street tree
Tree Walk Wednesday: Observations of tree conditions
Tree Walk Wednesday: Self-guided tree walks
Tree Walk Wednesday: The liquid amber of sweetgums
Tree Walk Wednesday: the ultimate green gift

You can binge read all the Tree Walk posts. Or start with some of my favorites below.

Washington Square Park Self Guided Winter Tree Walk
Washington Square Park Self Guided Fall Foliage Walk
Tree Walk Montreal
Tree Walk: Infrastructure vs. street trees and tree planting sites
Tree Walk: Multi-use tree guards
Tree Walk: Three types of tree houses
Tree Walk: Urban forest and edible gardens at the SF Flower and Garden Show
Tree Walk: Urban tree lectures, Sarajevo's urban forest

I would love to know about your relationship with trees. Tell me about your favorite species or where you go to spend time with trees.
